Business Personal Property

Business owners are required to render any and all equipment, furniture, fixtures, etc. used in the course of doing business. The Appraisal District sends rendition forms every year, and businesses must return the completed form(s) back to our office before the deadline.


All business types

  • Anyone who owns tangible personal property used for the production of income, including home-based businesses.
  • Anyone who manages or controls such property as an authorized agent.
  • Anyone who has been formally notified by the Chief Appraiser to submit a Rendition form.

Please keep in mind, businesses in existence and/or which operated on or before January 1st of the tax year must submit a rendition regardless of its profitability.


Render: "to provide or give (a service, help, information, etc.)"

A Rendition is a form business property owners can use to provide information about their business which we use to appraise the property for tax purposes. Forms may be obtained online or by contacting our office. Please feel free to call or visit us if you need help completing your Rendition.

All personal property owned or used by a business and/or business owner to produce income must be rendered, including furniture, fixtures, equipment, inventory, raw materials, etc.


January 1 - April 15

Rendition forms are mailed to new businesses or those active on Appraisal District records toward the beginning of the calendar year. If you don’t receive a form, it is your responsibility to contact our office and request one before the deadline.

Renditions must be filed with our office no later than April 15th. You may request a 30-day extension in writing prior to the deadline.

Note: Renditions sent by U.S. mail must be postmarked no later than April 15th.  Forms must have the owner’s handwritten signature.

RCAD relies on data from owners like you to arrive at the most fair and accurate values possible. So if you own warehouse or industrial property, please take a few moments to download and fill out this survey.

Email the completed survey or mail it to the RCAD office at:

Runnels Central Appraisal District
P.O. Box 524
Ballinger, TX 76821


If you have closed or plan to close your business, we need to know. A written statement and affidavit or bill of sale should be sent to our office detailing the date of closure. Keep in mind, businesses closed after January 1st will remain on the appraisal roll and are taxable for the remainder of that tax year.

If a business is sold or otherwise handed off to someone else, similar written documentation and affidavit is required with the date of transfer and the name of the new owner.

If no documentation is sent or can be provided, we may visit the business to determine whether it is still in operation or not. Business properties whose operational status are unconfirmed will remain on the roll until confirmation of its closure is received.

Penalties for Renditions Filed Late or Not At All

If you fail to file a Rendition before the deadline or simply don’t submit one at all, a penalty in the amount equal to 10% of the amount of taxes imposed that year will be assessed. For example, your taxes for the year are $2,135.63. 10% * $2,135.63 = $213.56, so your total tax liability for the year will be $2,349.19 ($2,135.63 + $213.56).

If a penalty is assessed, you may file a written request for a waiver of the penalty within 30 days of receiving the notice. The burden of proof lies with you, so be sure to provide documentation showing you either substantially complied with the Rendition law or made a good faith effort to do so. Documentation should also address the following:

  • Compliance history with respect to paying taxes and filing statements or reports
  • Type, nature, and taxability of the specific property involved
  • Type, nature, size, and sophistication of the business
  • Completeness of the business records
  • Your reliance on advice provided by the Appraisal District that may have contributed to the failure to comply and imposition of a penalty, and
  • Any other factor that may have caused your failure to file a timely Rendition statement or report.

The Chief Appraiser will make a determination based on the evidence submitted and can decide to waive the penalty if there is sufficient reason to believe you made a reasonable effort to comply with requirements.



Additional penalties equal to 50% of a business’ tax amount will be applied by the Chief Appraiser for any false statement or report filed with the Appraisal District with the intent to commit fraud, evade taxes, engage in fraudulent conduct, or affect the course or outcome of an inspection, investigation, determination, or other proceeding before RCAD. Enforcement of this section shall be by a proceeding initiated by the District or County Attorney on behalf of RCAD.


Contact our Business Personal Property Appraiser

Mail: PO Box 524, Ballinger, TX 76821

Phone: 325-365-3583


Non-Profit Organizations

Not-for-profit organizations often believe they are entitled to a property tax exemption for Business Personal Property because they received a federal income tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or an exemption from State sales taxes. However, the constitutional requirements for property tax exemptions are actually different than the provisions covering income and sales taxes. A non-profit organization may qualify for a total exemption from property taxes, but they must apply for the exemption by April 30.