RCAD Appraisers are out in the field during the week to perform on-site inspections for properties in our biennial reappraisal plan (Cities of Ballinger, Winters, Miles, and unincorporated Towns of Rowena, Norton and Wingate).
Appraisers will have personal and vehicle markings (e.g., vests, lights, magnetic signs, business cards, etc.) to identify themselves and this office. They may need to access properties to measure or photograph buildings, but will attempt to alert someone on the property to their presence when possible.
Appraisers will not exit their vehicles if there are dogs or other visible, potential safety or security hazards. Data needed to perform a complete appraisal will be gathered via other means if possible. Should the field appraiser in your area reach out to you with questions about your property, please respond promptly. Conversely, if there is something about your property you believe we need to know, it is your responsibility to contact our office or speak to the field appraiser on site.
Please use common sense; if you have been diagnosed positive with COVID-19 or other communicable diseases, are exhibiting any symptoms associated with COVID-19 or other communicable diseases, or have been in contact with someone exhibiting symptoms, plan on conducting business with our office remotely by phone or email. The lock box continues to be available beside the front door for submission of Homestead Exemption applications, written information requests, protest forms, supporting documentation, and any other paperwork as needed. Documents may also be mailed or (except for state forms/applications) faxed or emailed. Forms must be physically signed by the authorized party; digital signatures are not accepted at this time.
AS A REMINDER: The Appraisal District does not handle any matters related to tax payments and collections. Please contact the Tax Office directly at 325-365-2339 or visit their office behind the courthouse at 201 S. Broadway Street with any questions or to submit your payment. Payments may also be mailed to PO Box 517, Ballinger, TX 76821.
Click here for office contact information and continue to check our website for updates.